Some of the important features of the Math Suite addon are listed below. This is followed by an overview of this addon. This summary contains few words about the addon, its function, and its features. Next is FAQ, this section is useful to get information about how this addon works in your browser. If you couldn't find a specific answer, please fill the bug report form on this page or the contact form on the homepage to let us know about your question. Following the FAQ, is the bug report form. It is designed to collect user feedbacks and bugs about this addon. Users can suggest improvements or feature requests through this form too. The next section is for submitting comments about this addon which uses the Facebook comments plugin. The last section is dedicated to reports submitted through the GitHub website. We hope the information provided on this page, could help you get all the basics you need about this addon and enable you to have a better experience with Math Suite.
In short, Math Suite is a lite addon that let you use six different Math engines in a single popup window.
4 Reasons to Use Math Suite
Has a standalone popup window and a toolbar button.
Includes six different math engines (math.js, numeric, numeral, big numbers, accounting, and plotly).
Supports all JavaScript commands in the app editor (left side).
Available for Chrome, Opera and Firefox browsers on all operating systems.
YouTube Tutorial
This video gives you an idea of how the extension works in your browser.
For the mathematicians, it is quite challenging to open different math engines to get the result of math commands. This is not only time-consuming but requires a lot of effort. With the help of the Mathematics Suite add-on, you can use 5 different math engines in one addon. This is a suite of mathematical libraries for JavaScript. Please read on to know how you can use this extension.
Mathematics Suite is a powerful extension that will enable you to type any JavaScript or math command. By clicking the pie symbol button from the toolbar, you can open the window of this addon. There will be 7 buttons on the toolbar; below the toolbar, you can see the main console where you enter the code. Then, at the bottom, you can see the space where results are displayed. Once you have entered the command, you will have to click on Run to see the result in the bottom section of the screen. The first button on the toolbar is Run; it is used to execute the code and show the result. The second button is Reload, it is useful for reloading the UI of the console in case of bugs or errors. The third button is Clear; this is helpful in clearing the console. The fourth button is Save, use it for saving the text in the editor. Fifth button is for Sample commands; for inserting sample text in the editor. While the sixth button is Support, you might need it for reading the documentation. The last button is Choose File; as mentioned above, it is for opening file input window.
There are several reasons for using this wonderful addon. It has a toolbar button and a separate popup window. This makes it easy to use it. The extension eliminates the need to open different windows of math engines. Now, you can get five math engines in one place including numeric, accounting, big numbers, math.js, and numerals. Another great feature of this addon is that it supports JavaScript commands in the console. Though it is easy to use this extension, it is suggested to do some reading specially for math.js engine. Before using the mathematics engine, it is better to understand that all the engines have different documentation. You can read the documentation from the support page. If you have a math code written in a separate file, you can add your desired code from your computer to the add-on. All you have to do is click on the file and then choose the file you want to open. You just have to make sure the file is in plain text format. A remarkable thing is that, this add-on is available for different browsers including Opera, Chrome, and Firefox. Unfortunately, there are no other settings page or option available for this extension. In the end, you wont have to open different math engines. Thanks to the Mathematics Suite extension, you can get the famous math libraries in one user interface.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Math Suite?
Math Suite is a powerful mathematics add-on that combines the power of six different math engines into a single UI. It also supports all JavaScript commands in its console. Simply type any Math or JavaScript command that you would like in the app console and then press on the - Execute - button on the top toolbar. Please note that each math engine has separate documentation, please read individual documentations before using the add-on. There is a - Sample - button in the top toolbar which you can use to insert a sample math code in the console. This code has a brief overview of all the six engines with simple examples. You can also import your desired code to the addon (.txt format). Please click on the (+) button to open the file input UI. The file needs to be in a plain text format.
2. How can I work with this addon?
As mentioned above, working with this add-on is very easy. Simply click on the toolbar button to open the app UI. Within the UI you will see a top toolbar with several buttons. Then, there is the main editor to type your code (left side). Right next to the editor is the result area where all the results are rendered (in four tabs). Please note that the app console contains a text editor that recognizes JavaScript language and uses the CodeMirror library. Once you typed your math code, please press on the - Run - button at the top toolbar (big orange button). The code will be executed and results rendered on the right side in four tabs. You can click on each tab to see the related result. tab #1 is for the plain text format result. Tab #2 renders the same result in a beautified object format. Tab #3 is for the plot if you have a plot function in the editor code. The last tab is the console log area. For the plot function, this add-on uses the Plotly library. You can either use the "Plotly.newPlot" function directly or the simplified "math.plot" function provided in the app. If you want to use the - Plotly - function, please put "output-plot" as the first argument which is the id for plot container in the app UI. "math.plot" uses this id in the background.
3. How can I download the source code for Math Suite?
To download the source code for this extension from Chrome Web Store, it is recommended to use Extension Source Downloader. With this addon, you can download the source code as a ZIP or CRX format to your machine. If you want to download the source code from the Firefox addons store, please open the firefox download link (if available) in the Firefox browser and then right-click on the - Add to Firefox - button and select - Save Link As... - item. Choose the destination folder on your machine and then save the file in XPI format. You can then rename the XPI format to a RAR or ZIP file. Some extensions may have a GitHub repo address, which you can use to download the source code as well. But, it may not be the latest version of the addon. Therefore, downloading the source code from the official web stores is the best option as it always gives you the latest version of the addon.
4. What buttons are available in the top toolbar?
There are several buttons available in the top toolbar. To import a project to the addon, please can click on the (+) button (1st button on the top toolbar), this will open up a file input window which you can use to select your desired project file. As mentioned before, the file needs to have a (.txt) extension. The second button (with clear icon) is for clearing the app console and also the result sections. The third button is for saving the content from the text editor to a text file in a plain text format on a local disk. Please note that the file needs to have a (.txt) extension. You can click on the - Sample - button (4th) to insert a sample math code in the text editor. Buttons #5 to #8 are for selecting different result tabs. Please click on each tab to see the related result. The last button is a big orange button that is used for executing the code. On the top-right side, there is a reload button to reload the app UI. This button is useful in case of any unexpected errors or bugs happening in the UI.
5. Does this addon have any options or settings to adjust?
No. there is not a separate options or settings page for this addon. It only has a toolbar button and several buttons in the app UI.
6. How can I get the documentation for each math engine?
There are 6 math engines included in this addon. The first and the most powerful engine is Math.js, you can get its documentation here. Documentation for all six engines are as following: Mathjs, Numeric, Numeral, BigNumber, Accounting, and Plotly.
7. How can I turn the addon OFF?
When the main app UI is closed, the addon has no activities at all. But, if you want to permanently disable the addon, please head to the extensions page in your browser and then click on the disable button next to the addons name.
8. How can I save the content in the text editor?
Once you type your code in the text editor, please click on the - Save - button at the top toolbar in order to save your code to a text file. Please note that, the extension for the file is (.txt).
Reporting Bugs
Your feedback goes a long way towards making this addon even better. With this feedback and bug report form, you can report bugs or suggest features/enhancements for the functionality or performance of this addon. Please note that this form will be sent to the developer(s) of this addon. You will not get an immediate or personal response at the moment. However, the developer(s) may contact you through the email address provided in this form for further clarifications or to request additional information regarding the reported bug(s).
Reviews | Discussions
Please note: keep these reviews/discussions clean, and avoid the usage of derogatory or inappropriate language or terminology in references to individuals or groups based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, gender, etc. Do not submit bugs in your reviews, use the above bug-report section instead. Also, never post any personal information in these reviews.