
Podcast Player Prime ScreenshotPodcast Player Prime  |  Download An easy-to-use and lite podcast player.

Some of the important features of the Podcast Player Prime addon are listed below. This is followed by an overview of this addon. This summary contains few words about the addon, its function, and its features. Next is FAQ, this section is useful to get information about how this addon works in your browser. If you couldn't find a specific answer, please fill the bug report form on this page or the contact form on the homepage to let us know about your question. Following the FAQ, is the bug report form. It is designed to collect user feedbacks and bugs about this addon. Users can suggest improvements or feature requests through this form too. The next section is for submitting comments about this addon which uses the Facebook comments plugin. The last section is dedicated to reports submitted through the GitHub website. We hope the information provided on this page, could help you get all the basics you need about this addon and enable you to have a better experience with Podcast Player Prime.

In short, Podcast Player Prime provides a nice and easy-to-use platform for listening to your favorite podcast, plus plenty of settings to suit the player to your needs. Please check the YouTube tutorial below to get an idea of how this addon works in your browser. If you want to contribute to the developement of this addon, please fork it on GitHub, and push your changes to a named branch. Moreover, you can review all the comments made on GitHub commits.

6 Reasons to Use Podcast Player Prime

  • Includes a built-in music player to play and manage your favorite podcasts.

  • Includes a built-in downloader, to download the desired audio tracks.

  • Has a nice color-palette which can be used for adjusting the THEME color.

  • You can manage all cached items within the App.

  • Several other settings in order to adjust various aspects and functionalities according to your need.

  • Available for platforms, including all web-browsers and smart-phones.

YouTube Tutorial

This video gives you an idea of how the extension works in your browser.

Matched Content


  • One of the ways to deliver audio and video content to people all around the globe, which is gaining spotlight by each passing day, is Podcasting. Several mobile apps have been built in order to provide fresh and updated podcasts, each minute, to people sitting in every corner of the world. Podcasts, mainly as learning aids has become drastically important in the world. It helps the listeners to get various ideas for different niches and the podcasters to represent their point-of-view to millions of people, and generating profit in millions. However, when it comes to listening to your favorite podcasters while browsing over the internet, it may not be as easy as it seems. This is when Podcast Player Prime multi-browser addon comes in handy.

    The Podcast Player Prime is a user-friendly and convenient add-on which helps people in listening to their favorite podcasters and podcasts, while surfing over the internet for other information as well. It has an in-built music player, which helps you in listening to your favorite music and also managing your favorite music, as you like. It gives you the access to uncountable podcast channels and helps you in learning about the right type ideas for your specified industry. Podcast Player Prime is an extension which helps people in downloading audios from their favorite podcasters, with the help of a built-in downloader. The users also have the liberty of choosing the theme color of their choice and arranging it according to their own persona. You can also manage the cached items inside the app. Moreover, this addon provides you with the opportunities to manage several other functionalities. Podcast Player Prime is available for all platforms and browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It will soon be available for android devices as-well. We would recommend this add-on to everyone, especially people who are looking to listen to their favorite podcasts, while surfing for other information over the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is Podcast Player Prime?

    Podcast Player Prime is a multi-platform App, designed to play and download Audio podcasts. It has a built-in search tool which uses iTunes database to search for a specific keyword. Moreover, you can add a podcast feed by a feed URL. Also, there is Top-Chart section which you can use to add few pre-defined and popular podcast episodes. Each of these features are explained in the following sections.

  • 2. What settings are available in Podcast Player Prime?

    In Podcast Player Prime, you can adjust several settings, including the App THEME color. There is a nice color palette in the settings tab which you can use to select different colors for various parts of the App. Moreover, there are some general settings which you can adjust to change the player behavior. For managing downloaded items, including image, audio etc., there is a CACHE section to view or delete cached items. Please read below to get more info about each section in this App.

  • 3. How can I download the source code for Podcast Player Prime?

    To download the source code for this extension from Chrome Web Store, it is recommended to use Extension Source Downloader. With this addon, you can download the source code as a ZIP or CRX format to your machine. If you want to download the source code from the Firefox addons store, please open the firefox download link (if available) in the Firefox browser and then right-click on the - Add to Firefox - button and select - Save Link As... - item. Choose the destination folder on your machine and then save the file in XPI format. You can then rename the XPI format to a RAR or ZIP file. Some extensions may have a GitHub repo address, which you can use to download the source code as well. But, it may not be the latest version of the addon. Therefore, downloading the source code from the official web stores is the best option as it always gives you the latest version of the addon.

  • 4. What are the limitations in Podcast Player Prime?

    Podcast Player Prime is still in Beta and may not work properly for all podcasts (all audio formats). Plus, you may see some bugs in various functions (i.e. player, color palette, cache, etc.). This project is still on active development; in future versions, support for Video podcasts will be added to the Podcast Player Prime. Moreover, adding additional options for searching a podcast feed is another important future task. If you see any bugs, or have a feature request in your mind or other suggestions for this App, please use the Bug report form in THIS page to report bugs or other suggestions..

  • 5. How to work with Podcast Player Prime?

    Podcast Player Prime has four main tabs (pages) plus the current tab which you can open from the buttons in the top banner. At the top banner, there are 4 main buttons and one refresh button; from right to left, there is SETTINGS, MANAGE, ADD, and PLAYER tabs. There is also a refresh button to reload all podcast data (feed and images). In the following, each tab is explained in details.

  • 6. What is the Front-Page (Homepage)?

    The front tab or Homepage is where you can see all your subscribed podcasts. When there is no subscribed podcast, this help section is shown instead. To start adding a podcast, please follow these steps. 1. Please press on the PLUS sign button from the top banner to open add-new-podcast page (in order to search for new item(s)). 2. In the new page, click on the Search tab (or any other Tabs, depending on your need (i.e. Top-Chart, Add-Feed or Fetched Podcasts). 3. In the search Tab, type-in your keyword (i.e. TED) and wait to see the results (if there is any). If you see the search button is spinning, the App is fetching new data from the iTunes server. Once the results are shown, hit the small check button next to each podcast to add it to the subscribed list. The item will be saved and listed in the Fetched-Podcasts tab. Once you added all your desired items to the Fetched-Podcasts list, please press on the HOME button from the top banner to open the front page. 4. Pressing on the HOME button, opens the front page with all your subscribed items listed. Click on an item to open it in the Player page. Within the player page you will see the player toolbar and all episodes for the current podcast. Each episode has 4 buttons. From left, there is play (top) and add-to-playlist (bottom) buttons. On the right there download (top) and mark-as-read (bottom) buttons. The main player at the top has 5 main and an extra 4 buttons (click on the down-arrow to see the extra buttons). These buttons are self-explanatory as you have seen them a lot in all medial players. 5. The big podcast image is shown at the top empty area in the player page. You can also see the current and total time next to the Home button. Clicking on the HOME button directs you to the front page, where you can see all the subscribed podcasts. In order to edit the list, please hit the PLUS button again. If you want to view/manage the cache or adjust other settings, please read the following sections.

  • 7. What is the Settings-Page?

    Within the settings tab, there are 4 main buttons. The first one is for adjusting THEME-COLOR. Here you can change the color for all the elements in the App. If you click on this button, a color-palette appears. With this color palette you can change the color for all fonts, buttons, and the background color. Simply click on the font button and choose your desired color from the palette. Next, click on the button and choose a desired color for all buttons. Similarly, choose a color for the background color. All these colors are saved to the memory. There is also a slider which can be used for adjusting the color for all unselected buttons as well as some title areas. Other than the color palette, you can choose few pre-defined themes at the bottom of the THEME-COLOR page. There are three themes to choose, from left to right, Dark, Yellow and Blue, where the dark is the default theme. Next tab in this page is the general settings where you can adjust several options according to your need. Third tab is the cache settings where it shows the cached items for all the podcast, image, audio and video items. Please note, deleting a cache item, completely removes it from the disk and this operating is irreversible. There is also a big trash button at the top, where you can use to delete all cached items in each category (podcast, image, audio or video). The last tab is for supporting the App (currently not available). Once you are done with the settings page, Press on the HOME button to open the front page.

  • 8. What is the Manage Tab (page)?

    The button next to the settings, is the MANAGE button. Click on the manage button to see your subscribed podcast list (My-Podcasts), episodes that are added to the playlist (Added to Playlist), all downloaded audios (Downloaded Tracks) and all the items marked as read (Marked As Read). Next to each item there is a remove button which you can use to delete the item from the corresponding list.

  • 9. How to work with the player tab?

    The fourth button from the top banner, opens the player page. At the beginning when there is no subscribed podcast, this page in empty. But if you add a podcast to the subscribed list, you will this subscribed podcast and all the episodes in the player page. Within the player page there are two sections. Top section which you can see the main player buttons and podcast image. The main player has a big play button. If pressed, it will play the last episode. Please note, you need to first select an episode from the bottom list and then use this main play button to play or pause any item. There are also forward and backward buttons as well as fast-forward and fast-background buttons within the main player section. At the bottom all the episodes are listed for this podcast (in card-view). Each episode item has 4 buttons. From top left, there is play button which you can use to lay the podcast. Bottom left is the add-to-playlist button. On the top-right there is a download button, to download and save the podcast to the disk. The last button is for mark-as-read, if pressed, the item will be marked as read and removed from the list. However, you can show all the mark-as-read items by pressing on the EYE icon within the main player section (click on the small down-arrow in the main player to see the EYE icon and all the other hidden icons).

  • 10. What does the Refresh button do?

    Use the refresh button to reload data and images for all your subscribed podcasts. Please note, this button only updates the data related to the subscribed podcasts, and has no effect on other podcasts such as the searched items or the Top-Chart list.


Reporting Bugs

Your feedback goes a long way towards making this addon even better. With this feedback and bug report form, you can report bugs or suggest features/enhancements for the functionality or performance of this addon. Please note that this form will be sent to the developer(s) of this addon. You will not get an immediate or personal response at the moment. However, the developer(s) may contact you through the email address provided in this form for further clarifications or to request additional information regarding the reported bug(s).

If you want to rate or write a review for this addon in the official webstore, please press the - Rate this addon - button below.

Please enter the name of the extension (addon).

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Please be as specific as possible. Basically, describe what happened, what you were doing when it happened, and why you think it is a problem.

Describe the step-by-step process required to reproduce the issue you are reporting. Be specific when describing these steps by providing as much detail as possible.

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Reviews | Discussions

Please note: keep these reviews/discussions clean, and avoid the usage of derogatory or inappropriate language or terminology in references to individuals or groups based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, gender, etc. Do not submit bugs in your reviews, use the above bug-report section instead. Also, never post any personal information in these reviews.

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