Some of the important features of the Settings Button addon are listed below. This is followed by an overview of this addon. This summary contains few words about the addon, its function, and its features. Next is FAQ, this section is useful to get information about how this addon works in your browser. If you couldn't find a specific answer, please fill the bug report form on this page or the contact form on the homepage to let us know about your question. Following the FAQ, is the bug report form. It is designed to collect user feedbacks and bugs about this addon. Users can suggest improvements or feature requests through this form too. The next section is for submitting comments about this addon which uses the Facebook comments plugin. The last section is dedicated to reports submitted through the GitHub website. We hope the information provided on this page, could help you get all the basics you need about this addon and enable you to have a better experience with Settings Button.
In short, Settings Button addon can easily open the settings tab from your browsers toolbar or context-menu (right-click) item.
5 Reasons to Use Settings Button
Adds a toolbar button to open settings page in a new tab.
Adds a context-menu item to open settings page (similar to toolbar button).
If settings tab is already open, clicking on the toolbar button will only reload and activate the tab.
Currently available for Chrome and Opera only.
No settings or options to adjust.
YouTube Tutorial
This video gives you an idea of how the extension works in your browser.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Settings Button?
Settings Button is a simple, easy-to-use and lite addon for your browser that helps you open settings tab as fast as possible with just one click. Just install the addon in your browser and click on the toolbar button to open the settings tab. Alternatively, you can use mouse right-click to open the settings tab. This addon does not have any settings or options to adjust. Simply add it to your browser and start using. If you want to disable the addon, head to the browser extension page, find the addon and click on the disable checkbox.
2. How to use Settings Button addon?
Working with this addon is very easy. As mentioned above, simply click on the toolbar icon (button) to open the settings page in a new tab. Alternatively, right-click on any page and then click on the Settings item in mouse right-click. Both methods will open the settings page in a new tab. Please note that, if settings tab is already open in your browser, clicking on the toolbar icon will open reloads the currently open tab and also makes it active.
3. How can I download the source code for Settings Button?
To download the source code for this extension from Chrome Web Store, it is recommended to use Extension Source Downloader. With this addon, you can download the source code as a ZIP or CRX format to your machine. If you want to download the source code from the Firefox addons store, please open the firefox download link (if available) in the Firefox browser and then right-click on the - Add to Firefox - button and select - Save Link As... - item. Choose the destination folder on your machine and then save the file in XPI format. You can then rename the XPI format to a RAR or ZIP file. Some extensions may have a GitHub repo address, which you can use to download the source code as well. But, it may not be the latest version of the addon. Therefore, downloading the source code from the official web stores is the best option as it always gives you the latest version of the addon.
4. How to add or remove the toolbar button in Chrome?
In order to hide the toolbar button in chrome, simply right-click on the toolbar icon and then click on the -- Hide in Chrome menu -- item.
5. How to access Settings Button options in Chrome?
There no settings associated with this addon.
6. How to install Settings Button in your Chrome browser?
To install Settings Button, head to Chrome Web Store website, find Settings Button addon (or use the download link in this page which directs you to the chrome web store page) and then click on the "Add to Chrome" button.
7. How to uninstall Settings Button from your Chrome browser?
To uninstall Settings Button head to chrome extensions page, find the addon and then click on the trash icon next to the addon name.
Reporting Bugs
Your feedback goes a long way towards making this addon even better. With this feedback and bug report form, you can report bugs or suggest features/enhancements for the functionality or performance of this addon. Please note that this form will be sent to the developer(s) of this addon. You will not get an immediate or personal response at the moment. However, the developer(s) may contact you through the email address provided in this form for further clarifications or to request additional information regarding the reported bug(s).
Reviews | Discussions
Please note: keep these reviews/discussions clean, and avoid the usage of derogatory or inappropriate language or terminology in references to individuals or groups based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, gender, etc. Do not submit bugs in your reviews, use the above bug-report section instead. Also, never post any personal information in these reviews.