
Video & Audio Muxer ScreenshotVideo & Audio Muxer  |  Download Mux video and audio files from selected formats inside your browser!

Some of the important features of the Video & Audio Muxer addon are listed below. This is followed by an overview of this addon. This summary contains few words about the addon, its function, and its features. Next is FAQ, this section is useful to get information about how this addon works in your browser. If you couldn't find a specific answer, please fill the bug report form on this page or the contact form on the homepage to let us know about your question. Following the FAQ, is the bug report form. It is designed to collect user feedbacks and bugs about this addon. Users can suggest improvements or feature requests through this form too. The next section is for submitting comments about this addon which uses the Facebook comments plugin. The last section is dedicated to reports submitted through the GitHub website. We hope the information provided on this page, could help you get all the basics you need about this addon and enable you to have a better experience with Video & Audio Muxer.

In short, Video & Audio Muxer is a browser extension that lets you easily mux (merge) separate video-only and audio-only files using FFmpeg JavaScript library. Please check the YouTube tutorial below to get an idea of how this addon works in your browser. If you want to contribute to the developement of this addon, please fork it on GitHub, and push your changes to a named branch. Moreover, you can review all the comments made on GitHub commits.

4 Reasons to Use Video & Audio Muxer

  • Has a stand-alone popup window to drag and drop video and audio files.

  • Has a console to inform you about ongoing processes.

  • Can mux most common video & audio formats (.webm, .mp4, etc.)

  • Available for Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers on all operating systems.

YouTube Tutorial

This video gives you an idea of how the extension works in your browser.

Matched Content

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is Video & Audio Muxer?

    Video & Audio Muxer is a browser add-on that helps you easily mux video-only and audio-only files and generate a video file with embedded audio in your browser. It uses the FFmpeg library which is compiled from C and C++ language to JavaScript with Emscripten project. Emscripten is a source-to-source compiler that can compile native C/C++ codes to JavaScript language. To work with this add-on, just open the app UI and drag a video file to the designated area in the app (top left corner). Perform the same procedure for the audio file (top right corner). Then, type your FFmpeg command in the input area (or press on the - Command - button if you are not familiar with FFmpeg commands) and press on the - Mux - button to start the job. Once the muxing is done, a button to download the final video file will be available at the top toolbar within the app. Please note that muxing may take a while depending on the input files sizes and also the file extensions for the input files (some file extensions may take longer to mux than others). Once the muxing process is finished, a preview for the resulting video will be shown in the UI. You can close or open the preview at any time. Please note that the default extension for the output video is set similar to the input video file. For example, if you drag a .mp4 video in the app, by default, the output video will have a .mp4 file extension. You can change this file extension, but please enter a proper FFmpeg command to change the final file extension, otherwise, the FFmpeg engine will not be able to mux the inputs for the chosen output file extension.

  • 2. How can I work with this add-on?

    As mentioned above, simply open the app UI, then drag and drop desired input files inside the app (rectangular areas at the top). Next, type any muxing FFmpeg command that you would like in the input field and then press on the - Mux - button. If you are not familiar with FFmpeg commands, you can press on the - Command - button that is available in the UI as a separate button above the input field. Moreover, you can always search and find your desired FFmpeg mux commands in a search engine. Once the command is ready in the input field, please press on the - Mux - button to execute your command. Also note that, before executing any command, make sure the FFmpeg library has the required codecs for the input and output file extensions. Just type -codecs in the input field (command area) and press on the - Mux - button to see all available codecs currently available in this version of FFmpeg. There is also a - Clear - button in the UI which you can use to clear the console. All the information regarding current commands is rendered in the app console. Moreover, at the end of the process, the total time spent on executing the command will also be displayed. Download - and - Preview - buttons will also be available in the top toolbar once the muxing process is finished.

  • 3. How can I download the source code for Video & Audio Muxer?

    To download the source code for this extension from Chrome Web Store, it is recommended to use Extension Source Downloader. With this addon, you can download the source code as a ZIP or CRX format to your machine. If you want to download the source code from the Firefox addons store, please open the firefox download link (if available) in the Firefox browser and then right-click on the - Add to Firefox - button and select - Save Link As... - item. Choose the destination folder on your machine and then save the file in XPI format. You can then rename the XPI format to a RAR or ZIP file. Some extensions may have a GitHub repo address, which you can use to download the source code as well. But, it may not be the latest version of the addon. Therefore, downloading the source code from the official web stores is the best option as it always gives you the latest version of the addon.

  • 4. How does Video & Audio Muxer addon work?

    This addon uses the free and open-source conversion library called FFmpeg. FFmpeg is originally written in C and C++ languages. But within the browser, only JavaScript language is accepted. Therefore, this addon uses a compiled version of the FFmpeg library in Javascript language. The compiled version is the result of the Emscripten project. Please read this Wikipedia page to get more info about Emscripten compiler. All the original FFmpeg commands are also accepted in this Javascript compiled version. However, not every codec is supported yet. So please check for available codecs before using the addon. It is also important to note that, because this library is based on Javascript, it may NOT have the same performance as the C and C++ versions. Since it runs in the browser and has fewer resources comparing to the native C FFmpeg application. But, according to our tests it is useful for ordinary muxing tasks.

  • 5. How do I turn the extension OFF?

    When app UI is closed, this addon is completely OFF and has no usage (RAM/CPU) on your system at all. Alternatively, if you want to completely turn off the addon, please head to the extensions tab in your browser and then click on the disable button from there.

  • 6. Is this extension available for mobile firefox (Firefox for Android)?

    Yes, this addon is available for all browsers and platforms including mobile Firefox and Opera browsers.

  • 7. How can I reload the app UI?

    When you open the app UI, you will see a reload button on the top right corner. Please press on this button to reload the UI. Also note that, reloading the UI will terminate all active operations and reset the optimization process.

  • 8. How can I download the converted video file?

    Once conversion is done, a download button will be displayed at the top toolbar in the UI. Please click on the button to download the item to your machine. Download location is the default download path in your browser.

  • 9. How can I change the download path for the converted file?

    To change the download location, please head to the settings tab in your browser and then find the download section. Within this section, you can adjust the download path. This will globally change the download location for all your downloads in your browser.

  • 10. What happens if I dont add the output file extension for the FFmpeg command?

    If you dont add the file extension for the output file, the FFmpeg engine will fail o mux the inputs. Therefore, if no output file extension detected, the app automatically adds - .mkv - file extension and runs the muxing process. MKV is a generic media container that can later be converted to any desired format. It can also be played in in the HTML5 video element.

  • 11. Does this addon has comparable performance to native FFmpeg applications?

    No, since this addon runs FFmpeg in the browser, it runs slower than the native FFmpeg applications/library. However, using the addon is very easy (in fact much easier than the native FFmpeg command-line tool). Simply add it to your browser and it starts to work without any additional plugins. The native FFmpeg library is rather hard to use and may be difficult to install on different operating systems. But this addon is supported on all major browsers and platforms. Please note that, for very large video files, you still need the native FFmpeg library. This addon is only suitable for simple conversions (rather small video files).

  • 12. Where can I find the privacy policy for Video & Audio Muxer?

    Please read the privacy policy for this extension here.


Reporting Bugs

Your feedback goes a long way towards making this addon even better. With this feedback and bug report form, you can report bugs or suggest features/enhancements for the functionality or performance of this addon. Please note that this form will be sent to the developer(s) of this addon. You will not get an immediate or personal response at the moment. However, the developer(s) may contact you through the email address provided in this form for further clarifications or to request additional information regarding the reported bug(s).

If you want to rate or write a review for this addon in the official webstore, please press the - Rate this addon - button below.

Please enter the name of the extension (addon).

Please enter the current version of the extension.

Please be as specific as possible. Basically, describe what happened, what you were doing when it happened, and why you think it is a problem.

Describe the step-by-step process required to reproduce the issue you are reporting. Be specific when describing these steps by providing as much detail as possible.

Please try to leave a link to a screenshot for the specific bug or error report.

Please enter your operating system.

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Reviews | Discussions

Please note: keep these reviews/discussions clean, and avoid the usage of derogatory or inappropriate language or terminology in references to individuals or groups based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, gender, etc. Do not submit bugs in your reviews, use the above bug-report section instead. Also, never post any personal information in these reviews.

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